Wednesday 14 December 2011

Pakistan Won Test Series Against Bangladesh

Pakistan won Test Series Against Bangladesh by 184 Runs
Pakistan's Luck or New Talent?
Pakistan continuously wining matches against different countries and has got positions in ICC ranking.
Here Pakistan won the Test Series against Bangladesh by 184 runs. Younis Khan was Man of the Match with double Century.
Note, Pakistan has already won One Day series against Bangladesh on home ground.

Pervaiz Khatak Joined PTI

Pakistan Tehrek e Insaf
Pervaiz Khatak former agricultural minister has resigned from his post and joined PTI. after his joining two groups of PTI got engered on unknown issue. After that PTI chairman IMRAN KHAN canceled his press conference.

Karachi Mardersah

Karachi Maderssah- Hidden Fact
According to officials, Pakistan's secuirty agencies had took operation on a Madersah in Karachi Suhrab Goth, and 57 Kids were saved from Molvis that were being trained to become Taliban./

Rental Power Case Hearings


Chief Justice SAID, NO ELECTRICITY COMES FROM NATIONS MONEY TILL TODAY, here is too much corruption in this case?

Ambasadors' Conference at ISLAMABAD

Conclusions of Ambasadors' Conference at ISLAMABAD

PM Gillani said, no compromise on Self Respect, Border Issues. and charging of tax on NATO tanker per litre of diesal is in process.

Senate Passed New Law


A new law in Pakistan has been passed in Senate. detail are as follows;