Thursday 3 November 2011

- IMRAN KHAN second day in CHINA -

IMRAN KHAN is on visit to CHINA. He is joining hands with various officials of CHINA. 

On the second day of the PTI delegation's China visit, a visit to Chairman Mao's mausoleum was arranged. The delegation also met with officials specifically dealing with poverty alleviation, population control and discipline (anti corruption measures).

Imran Khan and his team were briefed by the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation on how China managed to raise about 400 m people out of poverty. They were informed that while the high growth rate over the last 30 years laid a good foundation, it was just one of the reasons enabling China to alleviate poverty. Other reasons included reform of the economic system.

Imran Khan sought details of China's rural and urban poverty alleviation programmes. Later in the day, there was a briefing on how China manages population control.

The final meeting was with the Central Discipline Commission of the CPC which deals with inspection of Party officials and the government officials. PTI had especially sought out this meeting to learn how China deals with political and bureaucratic corruption. The meeting from the Chinese side was presided over by Mr Yao Zhengke, Vice Minister Supervision Ministry dealing with Discipline and Inspection. Anti corruption is the main function. But supervision also focuses on projects and development so it can be done more scientifically.

Imran explained the PTI's long term commitment to anti corruption and justice. Imran explained how corruption used to hinder Pakistan's development but now it threatened the existence of the state itself.

The meeting was followed by PTI Chairman Imran Khan's lengthy interaction with the Chinese media. An interesting side effect of Imran's presence in Beijing was his recognition by foreign visitors to the city from cricketing nations who kept taking pictures with him.

The visit of the PTI delegation, which included Dr Shireen Mazari, Vice President Foreign Affairs, concluded with a dinner in its honour by the Pakistani ambassador to China Masood Khan where the embassy officials, their families and other Pakistanis in Beijing were present - all eager to see icon Imran Khan. The ambassador graciously hosted around a hundred people on this occasion.

Hopy Imran Khan's visit of China will make both countries closer to each other and will be helpful for the peace in South Asia.

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